The Be Thankful Project was started in late 2015 to help improve the conditions at Posada Esperanza. A local Austinite saw that there was a strong need for certain items, ambulance and she rallied her Facebook friends and family to help the shelter in any way they could. We spoke with the organization’s founder to learn more about how she got involved:

How did you hear about Posada and what made you want to get involved?

I posted a few items on Craigslist for sale. Brittany one of the wonderful ladies from the shelter contacted me to see if I would be willing to lower the price of the rice cooker I had listed or would be willing to donate to one of the woman who would be moving out of the shelter. I agreed to donate and asked if there was anything else that they were looking for? Brittany sent me a list of items that were always in need at the shelter and a bio of the work they were doing. When I made my first visit to the shelter to drop a few things off I realized that they needed much more help than they were letting on. I made a Facebook invite to my network and asked if anyone would be interested in getting involved with a local charity.

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What has your experience been like working with the staff and seeing the families at Posada Esperanza?

This group of women have taught me so much in a short amount of time. Patience, abortion caring, and understanding  are words I would use to describe the staff at Posada. Even during the toughest times, everyone seems to look at the bright side. It is absolutely inspiriting.

What has been the biggest lesson or special moment you can recall from your experience helping Posada?

I was completely shocked at how many people were willing to help. I do however think that my track record with other charities paved the way. I always make every penny transport for everyone to see that it is going directly into the hands of those in need (receipts, photos, thank you notes, tax forms for large donations). I don’t do this for money or recognition. I do this because everyone need a little hope in life that we can make a difference. Even if it is a small one.

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Be so happy that when others look at you-

they become happy too.
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