Casa Marianella is comprised of multiple homes. To list a few, there is the adult shelter (821 Gunter Street), Casa Salaam for two parent immigrant families, and Posada Esperanza for women and children.

Posada Esperanza was founded in 2003, when founder Patti McCabe realized there was a growing need for a shelter specific to women and children. Patti has dedicated her life to this work and is still the Program Director to this day. We are so thankful for her contributions.

Posada’s main mission is no different that our adult shelter – to shelter and serve homeless immigrants in desperate need, and help them get back on their feet and become self sufficient. However, there are unique services needed and struggles faced by the women and children at Posada. Posada specifically caters to women and children escaping domestic or cultural violence.Casa Marianella kids

“The name, Posada Esperanza, roughly translates to “resting place of hope,” and as an organization, we work to provide just that: a place where families can rest, get back on their feet, feel at home and most importantly, begin to hope for their futures.”

Aside from all the main services offered at Casa Marianella, here are some of the unique services offered to the mothers and children of Posada:

  • Weekly meetings with a Family Advocate
  • Weekly meetings with a Child Advocate (for our kids)
  • School tutoring and homework help
  • Crafts and activities for our kids

Interested in learning more? Visit our Posada website page HERE

Want to donate to our mothers and kiddos? Posada Esperanza has an Amazon wish list updated regularly with their most needed items. Thank you for your support!


Posada’s Amazon Wishlist